Tuesday was a good day in that I could catch up with a few bits that I hadn't been able to do for the previous week without a car.
Oh and get the heating fixed after a weekend of staying in one room all weekend :)
And drop the computer into PC world. To get fixed. Because of course, it's one week out of warranty!
And then it snowed again :(!
And then Ethan's cheek started swelling....
So I stayed home yesterday and rang the dentist.
They were closed!
So I rang the doctors.
They were closed!
So the only thing for it was - make and eat chocolate cake!
So we did - with smarties and chocolate stars!
Today is a better day.
Still Ethan and I are at home but been to the dentist.
Tooth fixed.
Antibiotics got!
Wii game rented.
And peace :)
Keep well and warm,

"Man! I love da cake!"
no wonder poor child got bad teeth if mummy dishes this out for dinner! lol x
looks scrummy
Suzie qx
Glad you got the heating back & things are back to normal! Is this cake gonna see its way to Scrap club on Monday???????
Teresa xx
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