Well I have popped back from the first day and boy, have I got some "stuff" already.
So much so, that I thought that upon my return, I am going to have a giveaway of everything that I've got. Can I say Making Memories pink aprons, can I say stamps, can I say totes and papers and and and.......well that is enough for now, you get the idea!
The biggest ooooo from the show so far I would say that I've spotted is a new die cut machine from Ellison called the Eclipse which is sort of like the Cricut and the Cricut Gypsy all in one. And the other thing which went down well with Michelle who I am with is the Cricut CAKE. Can you believe that they have turned the Cricut machine into one that cuts fondant, marzipan, icing, pastry - you get the idea. It looks excactly the same as the Cricut for paper but is bright red. I did take a picture but we've not got a card reader here - boooo - I bet if you google Cricut CAKE you'll find some smarter people than us that will already have videos and photos on their blogs / websites. Zoe - eat your heart out - you would love it. And the stand wasn't doing Make and Take's it was doing Cake and Bakes LOL! Decorating cupcakes - it was very cool!
So, lots of walking, talking and taking it all in and then tomorrow off for some more serious in depth looks. It's 4pm here so I'm changing my shoes and heading back to the show for the last couple of hours.
Have fun!

ah how generous you are you must keep some for yourself!!
cricut cake oh my god i bet zoe is googling now lolx
have fun
Suzie Qx
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love From Cinderella x
Oh lordy this all sounds very exciting!!
So Cool! I soooo want to be at CHA just one year!
Wish I were there - Cricut cake certainly sounds like Zoe's kinda heaven LOL
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