That's the desktop that I use on a daily basis - not sure if we will be able to retrieve anything off it (that'll be the last four years of my life then!) but let's just say that I'm glad that Damon moved all of our photos onto an external hard drive a couple of months ago - phew! That's another reason why you haven't seen the photos of my classes from Scrappers Paradise last weekend yet either.
Scrappers Paradise was just great. We had reduced the numbers and it really had the intimate feel that we had at our first event. So many people commented on the fact that they thought that it was the best one yet, so we are reducing numbers for the next one too - which I've just released again - last weekend in April 2009!
I was straight back to work on Monday - knackered due to lack of sleep (lets just say husband with kidney infection before I went away and new snoring sleeping partner at Scrappers Paradise!). I was straight back into a Stampin' Up! party for over 20 people on the Tuesday night and then of course rushing around for Halloween and such.
Now I have to say that for the last four years, I have become somewhat renowned for my Halloween parties but lets just say with bedrooms being painted and new carpets being fitted last week too, I am really happy that one of the other mums offered this year! The kids loved it - all of our road are ready for Trick or Treaters too which adds to the fun and what with Damon being off work with the kids for half term, it was nice for my husband to be at the party too (he normally arrives just as it is finishing!) Plenty of alcoholic beverages were consumed by the adults and lets just say that we felt a bit worse for wear on Saturday morning.#
Our weekends are starting to be taken over by the boys football and they had training Saturday morning and then it was a clearing up the house from all the painting etc - the house looked like a bombsite - boxes and furniture everywhere. And then we were off to a dinner party with Mrs Wonka . Now Damon and I are real foodies, so we love going around to someone's house for dinner who is a foodie too. I have to say that Tony (Mr Wonka!) did himself proud - dinner was gorgeous and yes, of course it was chocolate for pudding :-) Thanks Mr & Mrs Wonka - you are my gastronomique heroes. Over to us next time xxxxxx.
And then we were up again this morning. Both the boys had their first official matches on their new teams today and I had promised to go and watch them both - one at 12 and one at 4. So we all went off to Pizza Express to fill the gap in the meantime. Then of course, it is back home to sort out and make sure that we have school uniforms, PE kits and such like as the boys are back to school again tomorrow.
And that is kind of where we are up to right now. I have another Stampin' Up! party on Tuesday, dentist on Wednesday and I cannot remember the rest of the week so better go check.
Okay, war and peace over - sorry for no pictures. I really need to start uploading some of my Stampin' Up! work too. There is a couple of great offers on for November and December but I'll wait to tell you about those in a day or twos time!
Hope you have all had a good weekend.
Have fun!
Natalie x
9 years ago
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