Anyway, long time, no speak. Our holiday was absolutely fantastic - just what the doctor ordered. It was a mixture of relaxing, drinking (um, lots of drinking!), more relaxing and then a few trips and Aqua Park visits.
We went to visit an old fort just outside Menorca's capital Mahon. It's called La Mola and is absolutely massive. I didn't think it would be my cup of tea but with three very enthusiastic boys, I poodled along and actually really enjoyed myself.
This picture is our version of Bohemian Rhapsody LOL. This is an underground room with as you can see, a hole in the roof which was letting in light.After the fort, we stopped at the smallest beach that I think that we've ever been on (probably no bigger than about 40feet wide).
Had to take the picture which will be the title page of our holiday scrapbook album:I didn't take my big camera away with me. All our photos were taken on a Canon G7 (now superseded by the G9) which is the nearest thing that you can get to a DSLR and it is great. I bought an underwater case for it before we went away too. It was great for keeping sand off the camera when we were on the beach and also protected it from little hands, but obviously primarily, it took some great underwater shots too.
Well, it's been a week since we've been back now and it's been a rush of getting the boys all ready for school and returning to work (boo!). Kian actually had his first day at Junior School yesterday. It was very different to Ethan's first day there two years ago. Kian is very familiar with the Junior School as we have been picking Ethan up from there for the last two years and alot of the area's school events are held there jointly with the two primary schools. So although both Damon and I waved him off, there wasn't any apprehension at all and he had a fab time.
How gorgeous do my boys look at their first day at school. Even with their suntanned faces looking good! Should have got Ethan to take his bag off but we were running out of the door!
I am also really trying to make a concious effort to blog quite often and I don't want to run out of things to say :-)
Have a great weekend!
Natalie x
1 comment:
you run out of things to say......never! Love the pics and yes the boys do look like a couple of little funkmeisters on their first day back.
Mrs Wonka xxx
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