Well, what can I say?
Last week I spent alot of time playing with paper and spending time with friends.
It was the 2nd Stampin' Up! Convention in Addington Palace and I had a ball!
There is so much to share, but I could be here all day, so as usual, I will put down some bullet points as you may have seen alot of things on other blogs by now too :)
So, the Thursday night before Convention, Monica & I held a party for our Downlines and a few friends - that will be 120 people then *shock*. It did get a little bigger than expected but we were suckers for not wanting anyone to miss out :)
Here are the Goody Bags that I put together for my downline:
I do like to spoil my ladies. We are called the Stampin' Star Team and so everything was Star themed including the fluffy head boppers that I mad them wear :) I'll share photos of what was in their bags another day soon, too much to share today!
So the party seemed a success in the seconds that I had to breathe and take it all in, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and enjoyed a place where alot of us could gather before convention.
It wasn't too much of a late night, but I just couldn't get to sleep, so with three hours sleep finally under my belt, we finally arrived at Addington Palace. After last years experience of letting everyone else queue to check in etc before we did, we used that to our advantage and did the same this year. The main stage wasn't opening until 11.45am so we got there at about 10am. We collected our Convention bags with our goodies in (the fabulous Just Believe and Party This Way stamp sets, a programme, a pen, a catalogue and some pins / badges for my achievements).
We had a variety of sessions during the day, a mixture of business talks together with some creative presentations which made be laugh so much by the lovely Michelle Last and Julie Kettlewell - two ladies that I had the pleasure of spending some time with in Monaco and they both make me laugh so much!
The afternoon session over ran a bit so we didn't have quite the time to nip back to the hotel and get ready that I was expecting, but it was time for a quick bath, make up and hair and then we were off again.
I had a fantastic time during the evening. Thanks to both my team and my customers, I was lucky enough to be able to walk across the stage several times this year. You get to go up for achieving next year's Incentive Trip to Prague, for achieving over £10k of sales, for Recruiting, for Leadership of a team and overall for being in the Top 25 Demonstrators. In all categories, I did better this last year (my second year) than I did in my first year so I was ecstatic to get into the TOP 3 of the company for Recruiting. This means that not only do you need to grow your team, they all need to achieve a level of sales too and I thank every single one of you lovely ladies that chose me as their Upline to help with their Stampin' Up! journey! I received a rose and a Cole Haan Designer handbag which is just beautiful and smells divine (photo courtesy of Julie as she got one too!). I also received another four stamp sets to the two that I already aswell - thoroughly spoilt!

I was very proud to retain my rank as 5th Demonstrator of the Year - so again, thank you if you are one of my wonderful customers or one of my Stampin' Stars - couldn't have done any of this without you *gush!*
Here are my wonderful ladies, there were 28 Stampin' Stars that came to Convention!
Day continued with a morning of Make and Takes - again I will share those with you another day, some more business demonstrations, some exciting news that I can't share yet and more free stamps!
It was a great few days and I have many great memories from there - I laughed ALOT and there was huge excitement when they announced that next year's convention is going to be in DISNEYLAND, PARIS!!!!!To say that some of the team were a little excited by this is an understatement!
Would you like to be part of this amazing journey? Would you like to come to Disneyland next year as a Stampin' Star? Our group of wonderful ladies is forever growing and we welcome anyone who would like to start their own Stampin' Up! journey, whether as a hobby Demo who buys product for themselves at a discount or those who want a full time career.
I don't believe in hard sell or pressure, so if you would like to know more, then please feel free to either email me at natalie@oshea26.freeserve.co.uk or phone me on 01293 888816.
I look forward to starting your own journey with you - Good Luck and thanks once again everyone!
Natalie x