Headaches, coughs, colds, sickness, tiredness AND no computer at home!
If I told you that the washing machine, the desktop, the laptop and the TV all blew up / broke within the last couple of months, would you believe me?
So I'm sitting here at work, tapping away quickly - as obviously I should be working (oops!) just to give you all a quick update and explain my absence.
Whilst we are all starting to get in the christmas spirit, having now been ill for about a month, every spare moment of time is spent doing nothing but trying to recouperate!
I had so many grand plans for what I was going to do this month and to all my new Stampers 6 girls, I know I promised you details two weeks ago (I promise to do those soon - they are my next priority - honest!).
I haven't made any christmas cards and I only started my christmas shopping on Saturday - very shameful for me - never left it this late before but have to admit to liking the sales at the moment!
Anyway, I'd better get on - just thought I would pop on and let you all know that I am alive but computerless at the moment but a big
and I promise to try better next year :-)
Have fun!
Natalie x
9 years ago
1 comment:
Ah Nat sorry to hear you're still not well.
Happy Christmas to you and the family.
Hope you feel better soon
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