First of all getting ready for our Stamp With Us Retreat last weekend, then doing it, then getting over it and then leaving my "proper" job on Thursday!
I've just spent the morning in South East London in the rain watching Ethan play for his school football team. Their team were the County champions (wooo hooo) and met with the other Counties in the South East. They played brilliantly but the standard of football was very high and unfortunately they didn't win but although disappointed they were chuffed that they got as far as they did - better than all the rest of the school teams in their county which is quite an achievement in itself.
So, back to last weekend - the second Stamp With Us Retreat - Wow! What a weekend!
Here are a couple of collages that Monica has put together with some of the photos and classes that she did. I'll be back tomorrow with photos of my classes. It was the lovely Gill's birthday on the Sunday and we made sure she thoroughly enjoyed herself, she had cards, presents, balloons and cake - what more can you ask for an 85 year old (wink!).
So, as you can see, we thoroughly spoilt them and I didn't think we could improve much on the first Retreat but I think this time we actually did!
If you want to join in the fun in September, watch out for more details coming this week. I am going to try to be better at updating my blog now that I am officially a housewife again LOL!
Enjoy the weekend!

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